
Weighing less than the start!

I’ve just recently run 3, 4 week diet trials for Zest4Life using their low GL approach and quite frankly the results from those who have taken part have rocked my world. No seriously they did!

2 small groups (I ran 3 but I don’t have their stats in as of yet) lost 5stone and 3lb’s and they lost over 30″ off their bodies….errrr, how much????? Where did that go?????

One dropped their blood sugar reading from 28 to 10 in just 3 weeks….yes 3 weeks from following the approach. Their diabetes should be a thing of the past soon as far as I’m concerned!

We found allergens that were causing increased weight gain, yes it’s not always about the food thats the thing…airborne allergies can be causing the problem as well!

They found that stimulants were preventing them from sleeping and so was a factor in their weight gain.

We found the usual food intolerances causing weight gain, and increasing inflammation…and this is the bonus of working with myself on a programme of weight loss, because it really does get to the bottom of things rather than just thinking you don’t have the will power!

We found the lack of sulphur in one persons diet wasn’t enabling the liver detoxification to happen!

There was gut dysbiosis but then this is quite common now, and something that we have to resolve…this isn’t just any old weight loss programme, if Carlsburg were running nutrition and weight loss programmes…..etc you know the rest. LOL

The group in the morning have decided to continue, so I’m running a 10am Wednesdays Vitality group for 6 weeks in Omagh County Tyrone, so they can get their swimsuits on for summer! Ring me if you would like to join us. 

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